Monday, May 25, 2009

Fun at Nana and Pops

This past week Richard and I had two different conferences to go to in one week. Ashlyn and Clayton got to stay with Nana and Pop. They had a blast. They went to Monkey Joe's, Another jumping place, and Johnny G's. They got to also play at Burger King twice. They had an absolute blast. I do not have any pictures from their fun filled weekend but here are a few from weeks in the past at Nana and Pop's.

Here are some pictures from the airshow. Ashlyn, Clayton, Richard, Nana, Pop, and Aunt Jennie all went to the airshow and had a GREAT time!!

Here are some pictures from the outlet mall in Macon. The kids made Aunt Jennie take a picture with every statue we found.


Hurst Family said...

Was Richard the last statute? he,he
hope you guys are having a great summer. Those are some cute pics!