Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Man They Grow Up Fast

Sorry this is so long but is worth the watch :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Red Hill Farms with the 'Best' Family

Here are some snapshots from out recent family vacation. We had a lot of fun and miss everyone very much. The kids are already asking when we are going back. Between swimming, mudpits, eating, outside movies, golfing, camping out, zip line, hanging out with cousins, riding the hummer, corn holes, badminton, kite flying in lightening storms, and target shooting there was definitely no room to be bored :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Pine Mountain Trip

So we decided this year to go camping once again over the 4th of July. We decided to camp at Pine Mountain this year and watch the fireworks at Callaway Gardens. We arrived the afternoon of the 4th and stayed in a tent three nights and returned home Monday the 7th. Here are some pictures from our trip. There's none of me cooking breakfast but I did get up every morning and cook bacon and eggs over the fire. The pictures Richard took of me somehow disappeared :)

First we went to the butterfly house which Ashlyn and Clayton loved. The butterflies loved to land on Ashlyn. She would stand very still and they would land on her. Clayton wanted the butterflies to land on him but he kept moving around. After we went to the butterfly house the kids swam in the lake at Callaway. Clayton found a friend to play with. After the kids swam we went to the FSU flying high circus. The kids loved watching the circus. Posted by Picasa

Then the lightning and the rain came in and we had to spend an hour in the car. It finally let up about 9:15 and we took our seats and waited for the fireworks. We had to wake Clayton up so he could watch the fireworks but as the picture shows about he did not last long. I think he watched one or two minutes of the fireworks.

On Saturday a local youth group was putting on a puppet show in the state park. Ashlyn and Clayton watched the puppet show, made there own puppets, and watched them make balloon animals. Then Ashlyn played water balloon toss and Ashlyn and Clayton both got to play in the water from a fire truck. The last picture is of Ashlyn and Clayton hiking through the woods behind our tent (they loved to explore the woods). On Saturday we also went to the top of Pine Mountain.

On Sunday we went to The Little White House and Providence Canyon. Ashlyn did a great job walking down, around, and back up Providence Canyon. Clayton well... he did a great job riding on my back :).

Once we arrived back at the campsite we were looking foward to grilling steak and potatoes but it was storming with no end in site so we went out to eat. Once back at the campsite everything was wet outside so we played in the tent.

This was a very successful fun vacation!! We loved spending time together!!